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Pheasant Valley Courtyard Apartments

Income Based$25-$700/Month
204 S 4th Street,
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Pheasant Valley Courtyard Apartments in Milbank, SD offers wonderful apartment homes for those who are 62 and older or disabled.  When your rent is based on your monthly income, you can rest easy, knowing that you can afford to live in a place you’ll love! This property offers pet friendly apartments, secured entry, and an elevator!

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Address: 204 S 4th Street
Zip: 57252
Country: United States
Property Id : 18883
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Number Of Units: 30
Utilities Included: Heat, Electric, Water/Sewer and Garbage
Non-Smoking: Yes
Pets: Yes
Laundry On-Site
Lawn Care
Indoor Mail
Snow Removal
24 hour Emergency Maintenance
South Dakota Crime Free Housing Program
Secured Entry
On-Site Management Office
Rent Based on Income
Handicap Accessible Units

Michelle Van Hoorn

Milbank Branch Manager
Phone: 605-432-4077
Fax: 605-438-5026
Management Office Location: 204 S 4th St, Milbank, SD 57252

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