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Lakeview Terrace Apartments

Income Based$25-$860/Month
123 & 131 South Grace Street 106 S Sanborn Street ,
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Lakeview Terrace Apartments in Chamberlain, SD currently offers newly remodeled studio and single bedroom apartments with many added amenities! Great location, close to downtown, library, post office, groceries, and dining out. In addition, the rent is based on your monthly income!

Take a virtual tour of a studio apartment:

Take a virtual tour of a one bedroom apartment:

Address: 123 & 131 South Grace Street 106 S Sanborn Street
Zip: 57325
Country: United States
Property Id : 18987
Bedrooms: 1, 0
Bathrooms: 1
Number Of Units: 36
Utilities Included: Heat, Electric, Water/Sewer and Garbage
Non-Smoking: Yes
Pets: No
Laundry On-Site
Lawn Care
Indoor Mail
Snow Removal
Off-Street Parking
24 hour Emergency Maintenance
South Dakota Crime Free Housing Program
Rent Based on Income
Handicap Accessible Units

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